Thursday, May 19, 2011

Alexander Graduates

Thats right he is graduating preschool on Monday. He has improved so much this last school year and we have LOVED his teachers. They were perfect for him. He is sad its over but it will start up again next year. His teacher sent home a little book full of cute things Alexander has done all year and great photos of him. I just Loved it and had to share some of them.

He drew a family picture.

Alexanders current career choice :) One of his teacher's photo shopped this! Isn't it awesome.


Hera said...

Always enjoyed it when you all brought your artwork home :)

MiriamR said...

yeah I love it too mamma!

MoBo said...

cute!! he wants to be a golfer? haha lete made an observation, do they call alexander alex at school?

MiriamR said...

no they call him Alexander, there is another one in the class they call Alex. Now he says his name is Alexander Andrew Reeves and that he used to be bubba but now he grew up two days ago. Oh and he also calls himself Joseph sometimes.