Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Candy Houses

I decided I wanted to try some ginger bread houses this year. Alexander went to a birthday party and they decorated houses and I thought it was cute. So I picked up a kit. I put the houses together on 3 hours of sleep and I don't recommend doing that. We waited a day and then decorated them for Family Home Evening. We also had Michael Buble over for FHE. Anyway Eva said this was her best family home evening EVER. I called them gingerbread houses but Alexander said they are candy houses. Here they are:
Eva's house

Daniel's House

mamma's house

Alexander's house with lots of landscaping

Eva's other house with a candy garden

The village of houses

King Kong aka Jamison. He thought the whole thing was just a big buffet.
It was a lot of fun and I love how small the houses are.
I found it was more fun when I didn't care what they did and just let them be creative.


Suzanne said...

SO cute Miriam! I totally want to do this over the weekend. I want the new Michael Buble Christmas cd so bad!

MoBo said...

that looks so fun! haha i bet they had heaps of un, and it sure does look like their creative juices were flowing, Awesome!!!


Maliana said...

those are great! im so impressed with how well they did! good project!

Hera said...

Well done all my children of all sorts.

Hera said...

Well done all my children of all sorts.