Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Time in the Reeves Household

We have really been enjoying the wonder Christmas season. These Santas just keep bringing fun things every morning. I can't remember the order but they brought dvds one morning and Eva and Alexander got to watch theirs. They brought books, play doe, a foot ball and a jump rope, slinkies and probably other things I can't remember. This morning was Santa's worse choice ever. Santa put recorders in the shoes. Thats right those plastic fake flute things. Let me tell you right now that being serenaded by a recorder at 630 in the morning is horrible. Especially when Alexander hops into bed with you and sits there serenading more and more right into your ear. Lesson learned on that one.

Daniel has been doing the living Christmas card with the missionaries each night. He is really enjoying it. He will be doing it each night up until the 23rd. They did it for us last night and Eva kept telling them bye and trying to slam the door in their faces. It was lovely and I am so glad Daniel can feel the Christmas spirit each day even with his hectic schedule.

Daniel's work Christmas party was Friday night so we got a sitter. We only seem to get sitters when Daniel has a work party. It was very nice and I must say they are very generous. It was at a Greek restaurant and delicious. Its not December without Christmas parties right?

At church yesterday I felt that strange wow life has changed just today feelings. They rarely happen for me. Things generally change on a more subtle gradual pace for me. We were sitting in Primary and they announced that Senior Nursery was going to join us. I saw my little Alexander march into primary with his class and it struck me that he is not my little toddler anymore he has graduated into primary. I loved being able to see his first time in primary. He was very quiet and it looked like he wasn't sure what was going on but he will do fine.

I told my little primary class that next week is our last class together and one of the little boys told me he was going to miss me and that I was a very good teacher. Words from a 5 year old. It was touching to say the least.

On Saturday I officially finished all of my Christmas sending and shopping. All I have left to do now is wrap and get things for Christmas dinner and stockings. Daniel and I are pretty excited for Christmas this year. The kids know what is going on and we are excited to see them get their gifts. Alexander is a very good gift receiver with all the WOWS and THANKS as loud as he can even if its a pair of socks. Anyway that is what has been happening in our household this last week.

Merry Christmas,


Wiley Family said...

Thats so sweet that one of the kids acknowledged you that way. I bet that felt good. Also great to hear your family is having some wonderful Christmas traditions. Santas at your house are so creative hahahaha. Santa didn't come to our house for 3 days. They kids were not very well behaved hahahhaha. Hope your guys continue to have a wonderful Christmas season.

MoBo said...

wowowowowow Christmas is so very Merry! did you guys get a present from the company?? Eva's a hilarious Kid, wasnt the singing to her liking? hahaha Golly the Santas sure are super in your house, DVDs??? Crazy santas! hahaha

Unifer said...

hahah your life sounds so lovely! I really miss you guys! hope you have a wonderful Christmas! hugs!!