Friday, October 9, 2009


It has been balloon fiesta week here. That means hundreds of hot air balloons are taking off each morning and because of the weather getting in accidents. We haven't gone to balloon fiesta park yet to see a morning mass dissension but we are going tomorrow! Yay I am so excited this is the one thing everyone talks about for New Mexico so I can't wait. Daniel got tickets from work so we are going to wake up at 430am and go see the hundreds of balloons all go into the sky at once. This is one of those things that I really wish I had a better camera for but oh well I will force it to work for a few pictures.

I went to LOWES the other day and there were still a few balloons out so I took some pictures (bad ones) with the children.

I kept trying to get them in the pictures with the balloons but they just kept running away. There are some far away balloons in these pictures.

(Look at Eva's hair! 17 months and its already out of control.)


Hera said...

Mildura used to have those balloon fests all the time.
Eva´s hair, well you know what is in store when she turns 12 haha.

Anonymous said...

omgwash!!! shess sooo cute!!! haha and she walking?? hahah shes funnny