Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Sorry about the previous stressed out post. I think I was thinking about it all because I went visiting teaching this morning (for the first time here slacker I know) but my companions house was totally spotless and then we went over to a lady we visit teach and her house was totally spotless more than the first and I kept wondering how they accomplished that (they both had 4 little kids each) and one was pregnant. But then the one kept saying how she didn't want the kids touching the coffee table because it was all scratched up from her kids already. It look super not scratched and in mint condition. I guess that is how it stayed so clean there. I I decided I don't want to be stressed out that much even if my house would stay that clean. I am going to try to be happy with my half clean house all the time and not let it get to me and just try to enjoy my little ones. Thats what its all for right?


Mitch said...

Don't worry about those ladies... They probably spent all day cleaning it right before you guys came over! I bet you they shoved a bunch of crap in there closets... haha that is what I used to do well still do to hurry and clean up! :)
Have you ever heard the saying? "Don't worry about the mess, the kids are making memories". I might of butchered it but it's something like that!


laura said...

Yes! you're right! kids are way more important than the preservation of coffee tables.

Hera said...

One day the kids all grow up and you can clean all you want haha.

Line'sLucky3 said...

Just the post and comments I needed. I've been stressing over this very same thing for a couple of weeks now...no make that a year now...LOL No really...thanks for the post.

Unknown said...

Yes! It is all about enjoying the little ones. As Miaya gets older, I am less and less good at enjoying her. When she was itty bitty, I used to spend hours just watching her and playing with her, and it was also a lot easier to keep stuff clean because she wasn't mobile. And her needs were easier to meet: eat, sleep, play, diapers. Now she wants independence sometimes and then to sit in my lap and have my complete attention. You've got the right attitude. I too freak out about having things clean. But who cares if your house is clean if your family is unhappy, right?

MoBo said...

EXactlY Mele'Ofa! Maybe its because Growing up our house wasnt Spotless, but whenever I go to peoples houses and its all spotless and sparkly I find it Disconcerting, and never feel comfortable for fear of smudging/breaking something. Myself I prefer the company of lived in, toys on the floor, possibly disheveled looking houses to that of spotless and shiney, the latter is also usualy run by stepford wives, and we all know they are fake and locked in the basement somewhere!